
Pre Prep


​​Joeys Playgroup​​

​​Transition your child to Prep now with Noosaville's Playgroup in our Prep Classroom with Sam Domine.


Joeys Playgroup Brochure

Joeys Playgroup at Noosaville State School helps to build the foundation for early learning and promotes supportive relationships for parents and children.  At Playgroup we PLAY, LEARN and GROW together!

Why join Playgroup​?

  • Make friends ( learn about sharing and cooperating).
  • Have fun ( play with your child and nurture their development).
  • Help your child prepare for school.
  • Connect to community.
  • Develop new skills.
  • Share parenting skills.
  • Build support networks.
  • Improved wellbeing.

    As your child's first and most important teacher “you are teaching one of the few human beings who will be entirely trusted to you in how to laugh, learn and love people."

    ( Steve and Sharon Bidulph)

    JOEYS PLAYGROUP – Important Information

    ​​​Our Joeys Playgroup runs every Friday during the school term.  We have outlined some basic information to provide insight into our routines and procedures. 

    Where is Joeys Playgroup held?  Most of our Playgroup sessions are held in our Prep area. There are some occasions however where we will visit other areas such as the school hall.  We will inform our members of any changes to the venue. 

    What do I need to bring?  We ask that families bring along $2 each week to assist with the cost of consumables such as paint, glue, paper and other resources.  Each child should ensure that they have a sun safe hat as we often have an outside component to our program.  We sit together for our morning tea, so it is important to bring along a snack ( fruit, biscuits, cake etc) and a water bottle.

    How do I join?  Come along and fill out our membership form and then all you need to do is sign in each week .  We also ask that our families fill in a very brief feedback form on their departure as this information is vital in assuring us that we are targeting all the needs of our families.  After all, Joeys playgroup belongs to you, our families.

    Housekeeping:  We have a wonderful indoor play space and we transition to the Prep playground area.  There is ample room for prams and seating is available.  There are also toilets in the Prep classrooms.

    It is very important that all our Playgroup children are supervised closely to ensure the safety of all children.  Our playground contains equipment that is designed for Prep aged children therefore we ask that you monitor your child's access to the equipment.  Please ask us if you have any queries about our outdoor equipment or play areas. 

    What does the morning routine look like?  We start our Playgroup with a range of self-directed activities that promote interaction between you and your child.  We then have a guided music / movement session, morning tea and outdoor activities including art, sand / water play, painting / drawing etc. 

    How do I make contact or find out information?  Our school newsletter and Facebook page has regular updates on our Playgroup.  At times we will also note special events on our school sign or send email messages.  For any further information please contact Noosaville State School on 54403222.


Last reviewed 27 May 2024
Last updated 27 May 2024