Our Mission
"Noosaville State School will provide access to broad and comprehensive educational opportunities in a supportive environment enhanced by the promotion of open communication, mutual respect and self discipline. We will focus on the development of students' fullest potential across all Key Learning Areas recognising effort, achievement and celebrating success".
Our Statement of Purpose
Noosaville State School will provide a caring and supportive environment to allow students to learn and achieve their personal best. 
We believe as a community of learners:
In creating a safe, supportive school environment through promoting mutual respect and open communications.
In all members of the school community valuing and supporting the learning process.
In formulating challenging learning encounters that meet expectations for all learners.
In ensuring individuals realise maximum potential across all learning areas through a focus on personal excellence.
That high self-esteem, personal awareness and self-discipline are underlying factors in growth and success; and that all successes should be celebrated.
Our School Values 
The school operates with 4 core values. These values form the basis of our learning processes.
Care for Self
Care for Others
Care for Learning
Care for School